YOPE Incense Candle 200g
YOPE Incense Candle 200g
YOPE Fig Candle 200g - Xavi Soap

YOPE Incense Candle 200g

Regular price HK$350.00
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Suede / Raspberries


Scent: Incense scented candle has a sensual and magical fragrance. The heavy woody aroma mixes with the warm hint of suede and raspberry, creating an extremely charming composition.

香味: 熏香蠟燭具有感性和魔幻的香氣,濃郁的木質香氣與麂皮和桑梅的溫暖氣息相融合,營造出極為迷人的香氣 。

100% Natural Soy Wax Candle

100% 天然大豆蠟燭